Legacy Preservation Enterprise:

Mission Statement

The mission of Legacy Preservation Enterprise is to provide for the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of historical artifacts, buildings, and structures in Southeastern Missouri; to provide for the preservation and maintenance of the history of Southeastern Missouri; and to provide for the development, preservation, and maintenance of gardens, nature preserves, and/or conservancies or conservatories. Our dedicated purpose is to develop, restore, and preserve for future generations precious cultural, historical, and natural resources.

Legacy – What is a legacy? It is planting seeds in a garden you may never get to see. Legacy is something we inherit from past generations and pass to our future generations, something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time. Legacy refers to cultural inheritance. A legacy of an event or period of history is something which is a direct result of it, and which continues to exist after it is over.

Preservation – What is preservation? Preservation is the act of maintaining, protecting or keeping something in existence. It is the activity of keeping something as it is, or preventing it from being damaged or destroyed, to protect something from decaying and to make lasting.

Enterprise – What is an enterprise? It is a bold and important undertaking demonstrating initiative, energy, and resourcefulness. It is a purposeful endeavor and an Industrious, systematic activity. An undertaking or project, especially a daring and courageous one, requiring boldness or readiness in undertaking with an adventurous spirit and ingenuity.

Legacy Preservation Enterprise (LPE) is a 501(c)(3) public charity organization.

 Join our cause —

At Legacy Preservation Enterprise, we’re always looking for individuals who would like to invest in the preservation of our history.

Legacy Preservation Enterprise (LPE) is a 501(c)(3) public charity organization.